30 Days of Gratitude - A thank you note challenge

Books and Straw Hat Small Note Cards

April is National Letter Writing Month. Sure, it's most likely devised by the US postal service, but who cares! It prompts us to make time to slow down and write a note or letter. It's a gift really. We came up with the idea of using the month to pen 30 notes of gratitude. Of course, you could do them one-a-day, or write a bunch over the weekend, whatever works. If you can't do 30, don't let that get in your way. Just do whatever you can, and don't get hung up on the numbers. If you can do 30, all the power to you!  

We all have people in our lives to thank, and writing a thank you note or letter is a powerful way of expressing that feeling. Just ask Oprah who has been keeping a gratitude journal for easily a decade how uplifting and balancing it can be to acknowledge gratitude in your life. Author, researcher, and one of the foremost authorities on gratitude, Dr. Robert Emmons says, an ""attitude of gratitude"...elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms!" Where's my pen?! 

Meadow Flowers Small Note Cards

Will you join in? We hope so!


Loren Sklar
