Felix Fu grew up in Hong Kong and loved to draw, but often hid his tiny drawings behind a cupped hand so he wouldn’t get in trouble with his teachers and parents. After moving to Boston, Felix started consulting for the restaurant scene doing all the left brain and right brain aspects of creating and running a dining establishment. One day, he decided it was time to take a leap of faith to pursue his love of drawing. In 2003, Felix Doolittle was launched at the National Stationery Show with 12 sets of Themed Note Cards with illustrated envelopes, one of the first stationers to showcase a collection of full-color illustrations printed on cards and envelopes. Felix's illustrations, with their stories to tell, are the heart of Felix Doolittle.
Today, we still make our personalized stationery fresh to order. Handcrafted and hand-finished in our studio outside Boston with our signature materials, our artisanal workmanship and consideration is inherent in everything we create. Felix Doolittle products are a beautiful way to reach out, whether you prefer to spark a young one’s interest in reading by giving them a set of personalized bookplates and illustrated bookmarks, share your homemade culinary creations with family and friends, or take the time to create a handwritten a note they’ll cherish. The artists and artisans in our tight-knit team carefully handcraft your gifts while Felix paints by the front window. Constantly finding beauty and inspiration in the world around him, Felix frequently adds new paintings to our illustration library. We hope you’ll come back often to see what’s new!
Felix Doolittle
35 Border Street
West Newton, Massachusetts 02465
t 617.969.8883 | f 866.416.6842
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